Saturday, January 31, 2009

Correcting the, uh, law

In their weekly email the folks at "People for the American Way" characterize Obama's first bill signing as "correct[ing] the Court," implying that the Court had committed some kind of injustice and needed correction:
Looking Back on Ledbetter

In 2007, the Supreme Court's extremely narrow interpretation of a civil rights law in Ledbetter v. Goodyear limited a worker's ability to be compensated for discrimination. People For the American Way was quick to share the story Lilly Ledbetter, the plaintiff in the case, and to help start the ball rolling on legislation to "correct the Court" by amending the law to more explicitly protect workers from discrimination.
Actually, that's how our gov't is supposed to work. The Supreme Court accurately interpreted the law as written. The duly elected legislature changed the law. All is going according to plan.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rule of law v. rule of judges

George Will writes about Jerry Brown's Push to Undo Proposition 8 at